Dear colleagues, dear friends,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of IHSS 2024, we would like to heartfeltly welcome you to the 22nd International Conference of the International Humic Substances Society.
The IHSS2024 Conference will be held on August 25-30, 2024, in the city of Rimini, located in a wonderful region of the Northern Italy where natural, historical and cultural patrimonies characterize a unique and unforgettable atmosphere.
The Conference is organized by the Italian Chapter of the IHSS, with the contribution of several colleagues and collaborators, and it will be held at the Rimini Convention Center, a professional and very modern venue.
The scientific structure of the IHSS2024 Conference includes various fields of interest of our community, declined and oriented towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nation Agenda 2030, with the purpose of contributing to accelerate and complete the expected achievements. Topics like the impact of climate changes on terrestrial and aquatic natural resources, the chemical and biological transformation of pollutants in the environment, the bio waste recycling and management, together with novel scientific and technical frontiers will appear in the scientific programme. Further, a large space will be devoted to the commercial aspects of natural organic matter and to the growing connections between scientists and private companies.
It is a great pleasure to organize this event on behalf of our international community and partnerships and to host researchers, professionals, students coming from academy, research institutions and companies worldwide and to create a stimulating and exciting atmosphere for sharing the results of their scientific activities.
Session Topics
NOM and HS to fight climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss
Functions and role of natural organic matter and humic substances in mitigating climate change (carbon sequestration and stabilization mechanisms) and fighting land degradation and biodiversity loss.
NOM and HS for a sustainable and resilient agriculture
Natural organic matter (carbon) and humic substances in promoting sustainable and resilient agricultural practices: food security, carbon farming, GHG emissions, water management, etc.
NOM and HS in the aquatic systems
Properties and behaviour of natural organic matter in aquatic ecosystems.
NOM and HS for environmental remediation
Impacts and remediation interactions between natural organic materials / humic substances and pollutants in different environmental compartments, also in terms of food safety.
NOM and HS, and waste biomass management in a circular economy scenario
Circular economy scenarios of waste biomass management and recycling of organic matter and humic substances.
Frontiers in NOM and HS research
Isolation processes and utilization of natural organic matter and humic substances: technology, innovations and applications, including artificial humification.
Palacongressi, Rimini, Italy
August 25-30, 2024
Web page:
Contact persons: Prof. Claudio Ciavatta; Prof. Teodoro Miano; Prof. Claudio Zaccone.
Registrations open: 15 February 2024
Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2024
Payment with early bird discount: 31 May 2024